Accommodation Information

Menu of the accommodation where you can fill in all its details, for publishing on the website as well as internal use.

Right mouse click on the accommodation in the list accommodations gives you access to Accommodation Information. Here, all the details about the accommodation are to be filled in; from the contract information with the owner to the number of available beds per room and who will clean the swimming pool. The more details you fill in, the better your accommodation can be let through the website(s), given that the automated description is based on these details and the fields automatically generate symbols that will be placed next to the accommodation on the website. These symbols will also be used by the search engines, by customers, and by agents. Agents can access this information with their own login, so that they can provide clear, complete answers to any customer questions.

As you can see, the information is subdivided into different categories. You can click “Show All” or “Hide All” to expand the whole document or to collapse it. You can also open individual sections via the button on each section header.



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