When placing a booking or option I get a message that the arrival/departure day is not valid and/or the minimum stay is an amount of days. Why can I not place the booking?

Sep 27, 2012   //   by help   //    //  Comments Off on When placing a booking or option I get a message that the arrival/departure day is not valid and/or the minimum stay is an amount of days. Why can I not place the booking?

The system warns you about the rules for making a booking/option, on the websites as well as in the back office system. If you work with a fixed change over day in the period that you are placing the booking or with a minimum stay and the booking you are about to make does not comply these rules it gives you this message.

Of course you as the administrator of the accommodation are allowed to make an exception on the rules for you tenant but only the users with administrator rights can do so in the account. For the same reason you cannot place bookings that do not comply the rules for accommodations of your collaborators, you would need to ask them to make the exception and tenants on the website cannot make exceptions at all.

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