Automated description

Jul 13, 2012   //   by help   //    //  Comments Off on Automated description

A unique tool that creates a naturally readable text from the public data gathered on the Accommodation Infosheet. It is developed to present all the information about the accommodation in a clear, even-handed, and professional manner to the customer, and at the same time it uses the right vocabulary for search engines.

Using the Automated Description tool :

  • you will not have to write descriptions yourself or have them written by the owner or copy-writer
  • you will not have to translate the description. Automated Description can create texts into several languages, saving you time and money
  • you can always update the automated version of the descriptions by updating the Accommodation Infosheets
  • you can also combine the automated version with a manual version you might have available; you can load the texts, copy and paste (parts of) them and save the result as a manual version

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