Titles and Meta Tags

With the metatag-editor you can edit and maintain yourself the titles, headings and metas of your website.

We distinguish per website page:

Click on the image to enlarge it.

Edit metas, title and headings

To edit the metas, title and headings you use Edit Meta Tags | Edit Default Metas at the bottom of your website.

Edit Default Metas = for editing the standard metas, title and headings. There are 5 groups for default metas:

  1. Homepage
  2. Functional pages
    For example the pages: Confirm option, Who are we, Rental conditions, Privacy Policy but als Info texts and Where do we let, all share the same metas unless they have their own Meta Tags (see below). Especially for pages as Where do we let and the information texts it is important to give them their own metas.
  3. Listing pages
    Pages that give you a list with (a type of) accommodations, a list of accommodations in a certain location or a combination of both, a certain type of accommodation in a certain location.
  4. Info localization pages
    The pages with information about a location e.g. the information text about the Costa Blanca.
  5. Detail pages of accommodations
    All details pages of accommodations share the default metas, normaly for these pages you only use the default metas as the personization of these pages is done with tmps.

Pages within the same group share the same set of default metas unless they have their own Meta Tags.

Edit Meta Tags = to give a page it´s own Meta Tags. This option is used to create and edit metas, title and headings for that particular page (and overrule the default metas).

  • Go to the web page you like to edit.
  • Click on Edit Meta Tags at the bottom of your website.
  • A window will open asking your for your name and password (these are the same as your login for the I-Rent back office system).
  • The editor opens.
  • Make the changes and click on save.

Remember you need to do this in all languages.

The use of profile tmps

Using tmps can help you with your work for titles and metas, click here for more information.

Note: Editing metas, title and headings require knowlegdement of HTML and SEO.




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