Website: www.pisos.com
Language(s): Spanish
Pisos.com is: Portal
Visitors: 2.100.000 unique visitors per month.
Average number of visitors per month:
2.100.000 unique visitors
3.800.000 visitors
and more than 65 million visited pages*
* Source: Netview-SiteCensus
Destinations: Spain
The accommodations will be shown on:
These are Spanish portals and advertisements are in Spanish.
Pisos.com is part of an international platform http://www.edenwaynetwork.com/?r=Rth6sGm1 (publishing properties on this platform has an additional cost of 30 €/month).
Company details
C/ Anselm Clavé 69-73 4ª planta
08401 Granollers (Barcelona)
Tel. nr.: +34 649 046 892
Contact person
You can find the details of the contact person for i-rent.net users in your account under publish on external websites.
How do they work?
Pisos.com does not handle the booking, the tenant is put in contact with the rental agency through contact forms.
What does it cost?
Pisos.com charges a fee per advertisement. For i-rent users the price is € 6,- per accommodation per 6 months, this includes the fee you pay for the use of the i-rent.net system.