
Casamundo Website:
Language(s): German, French, Dutch, English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, Czech, Slovak and Hungarian.
Casamundo is: Referrer
Visitors: An average number of visitors per month of 2 Million

Destinations: Europe and US

Urls and languages of the websites where the accommodations will be shown: / / / / / / / / / /

The websites are in the countries language.

International website in English:

The websites of Casamundo offer online booking or booking on request.

Company details

Drehbahn 7
20354 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 40 6969198 12

Contact person

You can find the details of the contact person for users in your account under publish on external websites.

How do they work?

Casamundo is an intermediary and does not handle the booking with the tenant. This means that you need to take care of the booking, payments etc. with the tenant. However they do offer their clients customer support for questions or problems or issues regarding reservations.

The booking is placed in the system directly in your account.

What does it cost?*

Casamundo works with a commission per booking.
Please contact Casamundo for pricing information.

About Casamundo

“CASAMUNDO is one of the leading providers of high quality holiday homes and apartments in Europe today. CASAMUNDO represents many renowned international holiday home vendors and selected private landlords throughout the world and features on its websites more than 300.000 holiday homes in Europe and the US.

Every month over two million queries are registered on the website. The user friendly platform appeals equally to holiday home vendors, private landlords and those seeking relaxation. CASAMUNDO’s customers travel mainly from Germany, its strongest market, but the intermediary also operates online travel portals in Great Britain as well as in France, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Spain and The Netherlands among others.

In January 2012 CASAMUNDO was honored for excellent services for the second time with the TÜV seal “very good” (sign for excellent services) by independent German TÜV Saarland certification “TÜV Service tested”. Furthermore, in June 2011, CASAMUNDO was chosen as the best online holiday home portal out of the five biggest by German independent online consumer magazine

By partnering with CASAMUNDO partners benefit from:

… A large customer base and over two million travelers that visit our websites every month.
… A distribution channel which is leading in its industry, to cover European market.
… Increasing bookings and improving vacancy rates.
… No upfront listing fees, no monthly or annual fees, payment only for successful bookings.
… Easy integration process, live bookings and real time data exchange.
… No exclusivity towards CASAMUNDO.
… Free of cost advertising for the vacation rentals and the vacation destinations featured on CASAMUNDO means activities in well-known online-search engines (SEM/SEO).”

Important remarks

Criteria for integration with Casamundo:

  • Descriptions including accommodations’ equipment in Casamundo websites’ respective languages
  • Pictures
  • Accommodation features
  • Distances
  • Availability (must be updates at least once a day)
  • Both booking or booking request accepted
  • Prices
  • Additional costs (either included in the price or listed individually)
  • At least 50 accommodations

*Prices are excl. publication costs of the system.



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