Special offers
In the menu special offers which you can find under Administrator you can define special offers for certain periods, per accommodation or for a group of accommodations, as well as for specific websites.
Click on “New Discount” for a new Special Offer. A new window will appear.
Fill in the fields as follows:
- Name – Name the offer. This is only for internal use.
- Discount type – Choose:
- Based on a Percentage
- Based on the booking length
- Publishing Begin/End Dates
Here you fill in the begin and end dates of the period during which you wish to publish this offer.
If you leave these fields blank, the offer will apply all year.
For example: Book before the end of March and receive a discount in May. This means that “until the end of March” is the Publishing date, and the month of May is the Discount Period. - Arrival Dates (Discount Period)
Fill in the period during which the offer applies. This period is indicated by the arrival dates.
First, fill in the first and last days for which this offer is valid.
For example: Book before the end of March and receive a discount in May. This means that “until the end of March” is the Publishing date, and the month of May is the Discount Period. - Applying Criteria – The criteria for the discount period:
- Applies if at least one day of the booking is within the Discount Period
= in any case, at least one of the booking days must fall within the discount period in order for the discount to apply. - Applies if whole booking is within the Discount Period
= the entire booking date must fall within the discount period in order for the discount to apply.
- Applies if at least one day of the booking is within the Discount Period
- Calculate Method
- Calculate the discount for all the days of the Booking
= the discount is applied over the entire booking period - Calculate the discount only for the days within the Discount Period
= the discount is applied only to those days that fall within the discount period.
- Calculate the discount for all the days of the Booking
- Min/Max [days] – Here you can define any applicable minimum or maximum rental period (in days) that are associated with this discount.
- % Admin – Fill in the applicable discount under “% Admin”, and the discount will automatically be applied to the Sales price for the customer.
- % Owner
It is also possible that you have an arrangement with the owner to offer a joint discount. In this case, you can enter the owner’s percentage of the discount.
Note: this percentage is calculated based on the Purchase price!
Under Management, you will find the balance for who bears which part of the discount and which days it applies to. This is calculated automatically. - Descriptions – Next to the flags, you can give a short description of the discount, which will be published online. This text can be translated into multiple languages.
Click on ‘Save’ to store the discount. The discount is now visible in the overview.
remove the discount.
edit the discount.
define which accommodations this discount applies to.
define on which websites (own/I-Rent/external websites) your wish to display the offer.
Note: It is not possible to publish discounts on websites of collaborating agents and therefore for booking made on these websites the discount will not apply. However for bookings made by the collaborator in the back office the discount will be applied, here a tenant will always receive the same rental price, no matter with who he makes the booking.