A booking is a reservation made by the customer.
If you have enabled this in the accommodation, a customer can book directly online.
Placing a booking
To directly place a booking, go to ‘Bookings’ => ‘New Booking’. Or, if you are already in the planner of the accommodation, go to the booking start date, right-click, and select “Start New Booking Here”.
Fill in the details in the screen that appears. The dates can be filled in by hand in the format DD/MM/YYYY or by using the calendar.
To enter the customer’s data, you can:
enter a new customer
search for an existing customer
edit data of an existing customer
If the ‘Tenant’ (renter) is the same person who will be paying the bill, simply click to copy the data to the “Bill to” field. If this is not the case, fill in the billing address and addressee separately here.
Click “Save” to store your changes.
The booking has now been placed in the accommodation planner, which can be retrieved under ‘Bookings’ => Individual Calendar or Monthly Calendar; or in the bookings list: ‘Bookings’ => List Bookings. The dates have now been blocked.
Cancelling a booking
To cancel a booking, go to ‘Bookings’ => ‘List Bookings’. Click next to the booking number that you wish to cancel. You will be asked to confirm the deletion.
Once you accept a screen will appear where you need to fill in the reason for cancellation, then click OK. The period is once again free for bookings and options. The cancelled booking will remain in the list of cancelled bookings along with the reason for cancellation: ‘Bookings’ => Cancellations. This way, you can always look up the reason for a particular cancellation.
Note: Only the administrator of the accommodation can cancel the booking directly, if you are the agent of a booking and the accommodation is not under your administration, this option will sent a cancelation request to the administrator. The booking will be canceled when the administratorr accepts the cancelation request and cancels the booking.
Recovering a cancelled booking
A booking that has been cancelled in error can still be restored using the booking number. This has 2 advantages: you don’t have to enter again all the data, and the customer keeps his reservation number.
To restore a cancelled booking, go to: ‘Bookings’ => ‘Recover!’
Enter the booking number and click “Recover”. The booking is now active again and can be retrieved in the planner and under ‘List Bookings’.
Note: Recovery is only possible if the period is still free and no other bookings or options have been placed for an interfering period in the meantime.
Search a booking
A booking can be found in several ways:
- List bookings
The bookings are stored in the list bookings. Go to ‘Bookings’ => ‘List Bookings’. You can order the list by clicking on the titles or you can use the filters above to find the booking you are looking for. - Calendars
A booking is also shown on the individual and monthly calendars. Go to for example ‘Bookings’ => ‘Individual Calendar’. On the right hand top you can search by accommodation. You can open the booking by clicking on the colored period on the calendar or the booking number next to the individual calendar. - Booking number
When you know the booking number you can also search by number. Go to ‘Bookings’ => ‘Search booking/option’, fill in the booking number and click on search.