Publish on I-Rent websites

Menu to publish on the websites created by I-Rent, these are portals all I-Rent users can publish on and clients are directly for you.

To publish an accommodation on you go to the accommodation in list accommodation, right mouse click and choose “Publish on I-Rent websites”. To place your accommodations on these websites, you require credit on your I-Rent account.

Your accommodations are published according to the location and the languages for which you have made an accommodation description, being placed on those websites for which the accommodations are most appropriate. Your villa in Spain will therefore not be placed on the website The publication is valid for one year. The expiration date is listed under the heading ‘Expires’.

Note: all listings have 3 requirements:

  • The accommodation has photographs
  • The accommodation has up-to-date prices.
    Note: once your price period ends, the accommodations will no longer be visible on the website(s). For example: you have currently entered prices until September 3rd, but if you don’t add any more prices, the accommodation will no longer be published after September 3rd due to missing price information.
  • The accommodation has a description in the applicable language.
    In other words, if the accommodation has no description in French, it will not be published on any website(s) in French.

If you wish to publish several or more accommodations at once you can do so in the menu I-RENT WEBS Distribution.



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